We spent the evening at MC's cousin's place in Henrico county and fueled up with a lovely pasta dish (thanks Kathleen!), New Belgian 1554, and h20. Being in the company of family around a warm fire is always a wonderful way to set the tone for the 1/2. We'd both do the run just to get this annual visit in.
The alarm woke us at 5:45 and we dressed warmly knowing that when we stepped outside we'd be met my temperatures in the low 30.'s. Driving into Richmond,VA that early is a snap and we found a parking space close to the finish line so as to avert the disaster of last year when we roamed around the city for an hour after the race like modern day pilgrims wrapped in Mylar blankets trying to find the car.
The walk up the hill past the capital building was a nice warm up. We placed our extra layers in drop bags and made our way to the start line. Amidst all of the bodies, the pumping music, and tall buildings I quickly forgot the cold and felt the energy of thousands of individuals who'd spent months, weeks, and days in preparation for this event.
To me, race day is a celebration. On this occasion I'm not having to "squeeze it in" as is so often the case for my training runs. Though I don't identify as a runner (cycling is my true love and I know my bicycles are missing me) on this day I feel like one.
Just prior to the gun going off, MC told me about her technological challenges. Her Garmin wasn't working and the play list I made for her didn't make it's way onto her Ipod, except for Rocky's "Going the Distance" by Bill Conti. If ever you need an emotional charge in your life, that's a good one.
"Runner's take your mark! Set! Go!"
I crossed under the start banner and had the following conversation with myself.
"Oh no, I forgot to pee.""Should've gone when MC did."
"That's neither her nor there."
"Am I going to be able to hold it in for the rest of the race?"
"Man that coffee was good.""I can't remember if there are port-a-johns along they way."
"There must be."
So that went on for awhile then someone squeezed my butt. It was my friend Shaun who then proceeded to blow by me on his way to a personal best-good job Shaun! Right about that time I saw my oasis.

I must've lost a couple of minutes but it was well worth it. I entered a mortal and exited a superhero. Clark Kent and phone booths have nothing on me!
The rest of the run went fairly well. I forgot to change my gps from cycling to running so I don't have my splits but I feel like I was running about the same pace as last year. The colors in Bryan park were amazing. The spectators that line the course make me feel like I'm in the Olympics. Sadly, I missed the Richmond Hash House Harriers beer table this year.
When all was said and done I finished in 1:50:01. My time is 1:52 slower than last year. I think I would have equaled or beat last year's time had it not been for my little pit stop or the 36 miles less that I ran this year during training.
Alas, for me going faster from year to year is only a very small part of this endeavor. This is about being a part of something that is much bigger than I am. This is about choosing a healthy lifestyle and modeling it for my children. It is about spending quality time on the streets and trails of Staunton with my amazing wife. It is about connecting with and keeping up to date with old friends and making new ones. It's about family. It's about recognizing my privilege and using it ways that work towards creating justice.
I feel grateful for many things as I sit here typing. I am grateful for this sore body that has the capacity to move me across space and time. I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful for the opportunity to be connected with you my dear reader. I am grateful to all of the folks at OYE and to all of you who have read, donated, and supported us in our goal.
We are not finished. Though it is time to celebrate, this is not the end. It is not time to rest on our laurels. There is more to be done. I plan on doing it.
Keep your eyes peeled for Mary Clay's exciting recap!!